Monday, July 11, 2011

What makes a good Architectural Design?

What is in the design that you consider a great design? What are the criteria?

  1. Unique in it's own way
  2. Brings out the flavor of the organisation's building that you're building for
  3. Doesn't look so messy
  4. Organized
This is the Saxo Bank Building designed to be built at Copenhagen, Denmark
This building has a very unique design, built with glass exterior and those nice patterns on it, it brings out the "professional" feel of banks.

1. Desirability 85%
1.1 Lighting - 20%

1.2 Outer Shape - 30%
1.3 Surface appearance/ Reflectiveness - 10 %
1.4 Weariness/ quality - 10%
1.5 Uniqueness - 30%

2. Structure 10%2.1 Presence of support beams - 40%
2.2 Presence of structurally strong geometric - 60%

3. Environmentally friendly 5%
3.1 Structure - 40%

3.2 Plants and cooling systems - 30%
3.3 "Just Right" lighting etc. - 30%

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